Saturday, May 15, 2010

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Time to update everyone, well as much as possible as to where things are with our Abigaile and family. Let me first say that God is God and that is where we stand!

We believe that with every ounce we have in us, our entire family that Abigaile is healed. We have been standing on Isaiah 53:5 that says Jesus took those infirmities no matter what they are called, what the reports say and no matter who has given with what kind of education we believe she is healed!

We had an appointment with the real- Dr. who has been treating Abigaile since day 1. We had labs drawn, went to Florida to visit the man who has actually been praying for her and has been the only one who has treated anything to do with her care now. He has been such a blessing to our family I hope that Dr. J. knows this! We got some news while in Florida that some of the labs was showing not such a good level for Abigailes thyroid. In fact, it was failing. We came back home and have started her on thyroid medications. So far she has only been able to tolerate 1/2 the dose that she has ordered. As soon as she can tolerate this, it will be time for labs again we are getting close.

Abigaile has had treatment before with HBOT and combined with her therapies she really made strides. We have prayed about it and I can't tell you how chaotic it is to have a child with the needs that she does and she has improved, it is just mom is getting tired from no breaks.
We have discussed the type of care, and following from a credible Dr such as Dr J who is knowledgable in treating kiddos with these types of issues and feel that it is necessary to do what we have to do to move to the S. Cal. area to get full-time treatment for her.
We have been hesitant to move in the past because of the job, but feel that if any parent were faced with this decision they wouldn't hesitate. We have dealt with Dr.s and therapists who didn't know how to treat Abigaile. We aren't getting the necessary equipment for her needs. We flat out are isolated where we are at and wish to be a part of others who are making a difference and ministering to these families and children. We don't have any tentative dates for moving yet. What we are doing is looking for a home to rent in the Irivine Ca. area or close by, and if need be, the girls and I will move and Allen can visit until the job spot opens for him. We are blessed by God and believe that He will provide all our needs according to His riches in glory. Phil. 4:19. So we are cleaning out, packing and believing God to show us big things in our present and future. He is no respector of persons.

We all feel peace with this decision. It is a big decision and it is a little intimidating but we will be okay. We have been in the desert before, and I'm sure it will happen again. Do you ever think that is God saying... Hello, uh you, yeah you, Are you listening? I'm trying to send you like Jonah, and you missed the boat! I have told God many times over, here I am send me, so I have to believe He is sending me.

I am still going to do Abigailes Foundation here in NW Arkansas for the equipment ministry, I am working on getting someone in place to help. Allen will do so until he moves with us. We don't know yet if this is a permanent move but feel it is the right direction for now to go.

Prayer requests: God and only God, absolutely God, nothing but God in our decisions, in our actions, in our will! Pray for Abigailes body that the thyroid and any other functions of her body that need to straighten up and work as God has designed them to work! God created her in His image, so everything she has, is in the image of God (He is perfect) her organs, functions, everything in her body will function as He designed it to do. Gen. 1:27. I'll end with saying I love God more than ever He is always there for me even when I have not understood His ways. I will ask for prayer like Solomon, and ask God for His Wisdom, Peace, and Strength.
James 1:5-6 NIV5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

I am not doubting, are you ? Thank you for your prayers as always and words of encouragement from my fellow caringbridge peeps, love you all,

1 comment:

1 said...

Paris- I will be keeping all of in my prayers at night. The Lord will narrow and curtail all of the little details as to lead you perfectly into this next step. I will pray for great courage and strength in the desert. I know this place. Great richness comes in this time and yet it can be lonely. If I can give anything to you in this time it is my prayer and friendship. Bless you! Love and hugs and thankfulness! Tina